Saturday – 7th November 2020
The patrons of Rietvlei Game Reserve arranged an initial Sunset Drive into the park. This to showcase the new open game drive vehicles. Madeleine, the head game ranger responsible for maintaining wildlife in this park.
The park is a principal supplier of water to our capital, Pretoria – and the Tshwane Metropole. It also supports the wildlife population to make it a huge attraction.
The sunset drive introduced a whole new dimension to this exercise. We have received early than usual rains this year. This brings about a whole new lease of life and an extension to our summer. The park looks lush and green, and as a result, the wildlife flourishes in these conditions. Rietvlei an important water catchment area, the early rains are in the river-flow. The Rietvlei and Roodeplaat dams are full and the Sesmylspruit is in full flow. We could see the inflow of water as a result of the rains. For us who are born and bred in this part of the world, this is always such a welcoming sign.
As we head towards the end of November, it is over this period that so much new life comes into being. Following a good rainstorm, many of our antelope give birth to new life. It is so easy to see this new creation that takes place. This is new life battling to get started and clinging to their mothers for their only hoping of survival.
The young birds that are born in early summer of the year are incredible. The ground birds, the Guinea fowl and Francolin were everywhere. Check young nocturnal birds, Spotted Thick-knee and the Water Thick-knee and the Coursers. Marsh Owls are everywhere and make good photos. No doubt you will chase the Plover’s, especially the Blacksmith Plover.
Game drive starts at 17h30. It is a 2-3hour game drive, you will need extra clothing for nightfall. Bring your snacks and drinks for a 15-minute break and toilet stop. Spot-lights are available. Remember to bring your flashlights for your photos.